Category Archives: App Reviews

Settle Your Glitter- App Review

Settle Your Glitter

App Made By: Momentous Institute

About the App

Settle Your Glitter is a an app featuring a virtual calm down jar developed to help children regulate their emotions through calming visuals aimed to create positive self regulation habits.  The app consists of a visual calm down strategy children can use when they are feeling worried, mad, sad, or silly.  When you enter the app it asks the child how they are feeling.  Once an emotion is selected, they rate their feeling from not feeling that way at all to feeling it in the extreme form.  The child then shakes the phone or tablet to fill a virtual snow globe with glitter.  A pufferfish expands and shrinks nearby to give the child a visual to take deep breaths alongside.  The child can take deep breaths and watch the glitter settle at the bottom of the snow globe.  This app is an excellent way to provide an on-the-go visual with a self regulation strategy and eventually help promote independent mindfulness and emotion regulation.

Outstanding Features

  • The glitter will take longer to settle based on the severity of the emotion the child reports.  For example,  if a child is extremely worried he will have more time to take deep breaths, watch the glitter fall, and calm down.
  • The child can decide if he is emotionally regulated once.

Food Frenzy – SLP Therapy

Food Frenzy

By: Super Duper Food Frenzy is a fun and motivating app by Super Duper that targets following six important types of directions: Basic, Sequential, Quantitative, Spatial, Conditional, and Temporal. Students love the engaging food preparation and food delivery activities that feel more like a game, but help them gain crucial following directions skills.

How it Works

Students follow directions during 17 different activities such as cooking hamburgers, delivering food to cars and making tacos.  There are three levels of difficulty that range from one to three step directions. Students race against the clock to finish the direction in the allotted amount of time set by the therapist.  Various direction types can be customized to work on a student’s goals. Students are motivated by the entertaining graphics and visuals, as well as motivating sounds when a direction is followed correctly.

Outstanding Features

Food Frenzy allows you to import the names of all your students, creating settings that best fit the needs of each child including appropriate time limits, direction types, and difficulty levels. Repeat buttons are available so teaching can happen during the game. A quick play option is available when you want to use the game quickly without inputting student information.   Scores are reported for each child including the specific type of directions they did well on or had difficulty with.  Scores can be graphed to view progress over time.  Data can be emailed, printed, or exported so you can easily report progress.