Now that the holidays are over, children may need a few reminders on how to interact in a positive way during therapy sessions, in the classroom, or at home when doing homework. Try reflecting on what behavior management strategies worked during the first half of the year and if there are new ones you may want to implement.  Below are some strategies that can help prevent problematic behaviors before they start to make it a great homework, therapy, or classroom session for everyone! 1. Set therapy rules and make them known at the beginning of each sessiowhole-body-listening-larry-postern. Post a list of “class rules” along with pictures so students know what is expected.   The rules can be positive statements like, “we will raise our hand when we want to speak,” and “we will listen to the teacher and follow directions”.  Keep in mind that some students may not know what it means to “listen to the teacher”. Social Thinking has a great visual called “Listening Larry” which teaches students what “Whole Body Listening” looks like. To learn more about this and to purchase the poster, visit 2. At the beginning of a session provide students a visual schedule of what will happen in therapy that day.  This way students see what is coming next and when the session will end.  You can create these on smart boards,.