Sendero Your Therapy Provider

Sendero Therapy Inc. has provided therapy services in the educational setting since 2001, we understand the unique due process requirements, and we know what it takes to staff your vacant speech language pathologist, occupational therapist, and physical therapies positions in a school setting.

Serving the educational setting remains the focus of our dynamic company. In fact, we only serve schools and youth in their communities – not hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, or clinics.

We we have our own designated Mentor Therapist to provide direction and support to our school-based therapists in that school system. They are responsible for coaching, managing, and encouraging each of our school speech language pathologist, occupational therapist and physical therapist team members in your public, private, or charter school.

We value maximum productivity and high accountability. You’ll be pleased with our accountability measures, which justify our contract services in your schools.

Working as a member of a comprehensive team of educational professionals is important, Sendero Therapies, Inc.provides schools with speech therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists that blend into the school environment. It is our desire to be an integral part of your school system.

Our school system customers LOVE every one of our Sendero therapists for their enthusiasm, professionalism, and dedication. Each school speech language pathologist, occupational therapist and physical therapist  in a public, private, or charter school is chosen to meet the needs of that school system.

As a school-based and community  therapy placement company, Sendero Therapies, Inc. is devoted to providing support to encourage the professional growth of our therapists.

Learn more about the services we offer – contact us today. 330.998.2055