Our School Based Therapists:

Sendero Therapies practitioners assist children and youth in their education setting to be: as independent and functional as possible; to successfully access their educational process; and to prepare children and youth to fully participate in their educational journey.  Therapists address the child holistically including mental health, physical, cognitive, self care, daily living skills, social/emotional, sensory and leisure.

Sendero Therapies is committed to promoting and facilitating positive mental health and well being in all children and youth throughout their school years, including transition from high school to adulthood, addressing living and work skills.

Therapy services are provided in natural settings, such as classrooms, resource rooms, cafeterias and recess, specials and after school programs. Therapists address student accessibility and navigation throughout the school environment. Adaptations and modifications are skills our therapists offer to children, youth and staff to provide students with the opportunity to participate and learn with their peers. Therapy services support staff with ongoing training, in services and consultation for all students, those at risk and those identified with special needs.

Our therapy team is committed to excellence by providing comprehensive assessments, innovative treatments, collaboration with all educational team members and consultation with families.
They work closely with the individual districts to assist in meeting the specific needs of all students using an integrative approach to practice.  Our occupational, speech and physical therapists are members of the educational team, the therapists provide on-going training for school staff,  administration and families so that the student’s needs are also being supported daily across all environments.  District wide, school specific and classroom in-services on sensory processing, fine motor development, positioning, use of adaptive equipment and transfer techniques are provided to promote awareness and enhance functional independence for our students at home, school and in community settings.

Our school systems LOVE every one of our Sendero Pediatric therapists for their enthusiasm, professionalism, and dedication. Each occupational therapist, or physical therapist in a public, private, or charter school is chosen to meet the needs of that school system.

As a school-based and community  therapy placement company, Sendero Therapies, Inc. is devoted to providing support to encourage the professional growth of our therapists.

Learn more about the services we offer – contact us today. 330.998.2055